Royal Resorts Member Forum

The Message Board gives Royal Resorts members and families the opportunity to share thoughts about vacation experiences and any other subjects of common interest.

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Now, Processing is "Promised" for April....

Posted by FRANK FORD 2024-03-23 18:52:16

Per response from Management, they plan to process payments in April...still waiting.... ROYAL RESORTS MANAGEMENT RESPONSE 2024-03-23 00:15:31 Dear


Now We Find Out Paperwork Is Being Processed In Cancun....Not Florida.

Posted by FRANK FORD 2024-03-23 18:27:52

Thanks to communications with David Z., we find out that paperwork is mailed to Florida and then forwarded on to Cancun for.......eventual processing?


ATTN RR MGT Early Arrival of Guest

Posted by THOMAS ARKINSON 2024-03-23 18:27:22

My Guest will arrive at the Royal Sands approximately one and one half hours (+1.5 hr.) ahead of me. He is pre-registered. Will he be able to obtain a


IN COMING Question

Posted by THOMAS ARKINSON 2024-03-22 22:37:08

Part of my group will be arriving with Southwest in Terminal 4. The rest of the group will arrive with Delta in Terminal 3. Does Thomas More have one


Royal Islander Residual Rights.

Posted by RAUL NOVELLA 2024-03-19 19:54:38

Buenas tardes. Desde el lunes 11 de marzo en el portal de derechos residuales mi información aparece como completa y validada; y se me indica que s


Residual Rights

Posted by DAVID ZODY 2024-03-18 17:36:17

I received the Instructions form for my Residual Rights. I filled out the form and sent it, via the USPS, to the address on the Instruction form. It


Residual Rights for Royal Islander

Posted by ROGER EKLOFE 2024-03-18 15:35:21

I have not received any communication since 11-28-2023 about address and phone number. All information is correct. We are wanting the paper work to fi



Posted by JEFFREY D CILCUS 2024-03-16 13:29:45

I purchased a faxed week from a member using your escrow service in October 2023. My checks were cashed by Royal Resorts in November of 2023. We wer


Question For Management:

Posted by FRANK FORD 2024-03-15 22:52:40

Are your processing residual rights paperwork and sending checks when in good order? --OR-- Are you planning to wait until you have all of the residua


Residual Rights Status Website

Posted by DAVID AUDETTE 2024-03-15 22:00:10

I just checked the Residual Rights Status Website to check the status of my payment application. For both of my contracts it indicated “Awaiting Do


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