Royal Resorts Member Forum

The Message Board gives Royal Resorts members and families the opportunity to share thoughts about vacation experiences and any other subjects of common interest.

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Royal Islander Sale

Posted by FREDERIC FRAIZER 2023-10-17 11:03:36

New email today about $53,000,000 sale of Islander. Hopefully we will get settlement numbers by the end of 2023.


More info about Tortuga Resorts UK Limited

Posted by ELIAS CHIRICO 2023-10-15 21:22:17



Posted by DENNIS SCHERR 2023-10-13 09:23:04

THIS IS THE EMAIL I GOT ON 5/23/23 Dear The Royal Islander Members, I am reaching out to share an important update regarding The Royal Islander®. To


Tortuga / KSL Capital Partners

Posted by LORNA MARIA HUSSON 2023-10-11 19:24:12

Mr. Bryan Traficanti CEO is the Director of both listed above. His phone number is 303-408-2262. The phone number to KSL is 720-284-6400. The first nu


New Shuttle Schedule

Posted by CHRISTINE AWKER 2023-10-11 11:57:41

Can you tell me what the new schedule is for the shuttle between the Royal Cancun and The Royal Sands? TIA!



Posted by FRANK FORD 2023-10-10 12:33:15

While I appreciate Royal Resorts Mngt catching all of the flak, I do not understand Royal Resorts Mngt. current standing in this issue since Tortuga i


Royal Islander Member, disappointed in the process

Posted by CHARLES BRILL 2023-10-09 14:05:31

Dear Royal Resorts Management, I am very disappointed in how the Royal Islander transaction has been handled. From my call today with management, I l


Club Bistro

Posted by KATHLEEN THISTLETHWAITE 2023-10-09 13:55:15

Where exactly is this located in RS?



Posted by ELENA HAVERLAND 2023-10-09 08:33:59

Can someone please turn the webcam for The Royal Cancun on the maintenance was last week and the sands is this week. We enjoy checking our paradise o


Where is The Gran Salon?

Posted by THOMAS ARKINSON 2023-10-08 22:18:34

Where is the Gran Salon.? Was it once named some other name?


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